Table Talk
The picky eating program that works. Get your little eating more foods with less fighting.
Feeding kids shouldn't be this hard. Picky eating can take over your life, feeling like every meal is worse than the last. It's time to reclaim your kitchen tables and actually start enjoying meals together.
Table Talk is a targeted program that teaches you the strategies and methods that kick picky eating to the curb for good and get your little to eat a wide variety of healthy foods!
You'll learn to be your own feeding expert, because you know your child best.
Parent Spotlight
See how Table Talk helped Megan in just ONE DAY to get her daughter trying everything on her plate.
Meal times have been so much more calm and my toddler has been noticeably more content and willing to touch and taste new foods! If you are stressed with your child's eating habits and behaviors around food, I highly recommend Table Talk!
- Carly E. , Table Talker

Picky eating stressing you out?
Mama, I see you...
You're tired of making different meals and crossing your fingers that tonight might be the night where they actually try those veggies. You're so tired of putting things on the plate just to watch them not get touched.
You're feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of bribing, begging or bargaining to get your little one to eat. You feel like they wouldn't eat ANYTHING unless you count down their bites or even feed it to them.
You are worried. Mama, you're worried that they're not getting enough and certainly not enough of the things you know they need. You're not sure they're reaching their full potential living off of pizza and goldfish crumbs. You are ready for a change or else you're just gonna throw in the towel.
You're at your wits end with picky eating feeling like nothing will work. You need a plan to finally beat picky eating and get back to enjoying meals again.
... if this sounds like you, then this program was literally made for you

'I was at a loss before your program. Now we have seen slow and steady changes at the table. He is happier, we are happier, he's curious about new foods and life at the table is much less stressful.'
- Rebecca P.

'I had been worried about my toddler's eating and exhausted from mealtime battles. Table Talk has hands down improved our mealtime structure and environment. Behaviors, comments and the way we approach meals has been a game changer. I highly recommend this program!'
- Sam H.
Learn simple and effective strategies to...
Get them to eat more variety and try NEW foods
Tired of watching them eat the same foods over and over again? Learn how to round out the foods that they're willing to eat and add some variety to their diet. Help them like foods from all the food groups, not just today but for life.
Make sure they're eating the right amount
Worried that they're not eating enough? Or eating too much? Figure out what is just right for your little one and make sure they're growing and developing and are on the right path!
Finally have peaceful meals
Dreading mealtimes because of the battles that always happen? Find ways to finally bring peace to your meals and stop the daily food fight. Find peace and connection at the table with your littles.
Stop pressuring them to eat
Tired of begging, bribing or bargaining at the table? Learn the proven low pressure techniques that WORK! Plus they help build a healthy relationship with food which sets them up to be long term healthy and independent eaters.
Feel confident at the table
Are you unsure what to feed them, how much or even if you're handling difficult mealtime behavior the 'right' way? Learn how to be your own child's feeding expert.
You can be the feeding expert in your home...
Let me teach you how.

It's about more than just taking another bite...

It's about building bridges to help them learn to like a variety of foods FOR LIFE...

And finally give you peace of mind and confidence at the table.
Parent Spotlight
See how Table Talk helped Brooke get her son who has Autism and Down Syndrome to accept new textures like meat and stop food throwing.
Table talk helped us turn course 180 degrees. Most of our mealtime experiences are peaceful now without a wild range of emotions and strain and bribery at the table. I don’t have to pressure my kid to try something new.

- Adam & Marcy T.
After finishing TT I was wayyyy less stressed at the table and felt so confident and I think that changed so much. Because of that we were able to work through all your steps and today it's like our picky eater never even existed.
- Jayne A.
Since taking TT my daughters food likes and loves is over 100! And sits at the table and less reactions to food.

- Lola

Table Talk
self-paced picky eating course
Inside Table Talk you'll get:
- The training videos you need where you'll learn how to reverse or prevent picky eating
- 8 weeks of email check-ins from me that help keep you on track and get to the finish line
- Picky Eating Playbook helps you get clear and make a plan that works for you
- Forever Access so you can go through the course again and again
or 3 payments of $104
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!
When you enroll not only will you get IMMEDIATE access to Table Talk you'll also get these killer bonuses that will help take things to the next level for you and your family!
Demystifying Desserts Mini-Course
You'll learn the EXACT steps to take desserts off the pedestal and put them back where they belong. Bridging the methods you learn inside Table Talk with how to handle sweets and desserts in your home.
Kiss candy obsession goodbye with this course!
*This course is ONLY available to Table Talkers. ($150 value)
Gain access to Alyssa through TT Community
You'll get one free month inside the Table Talk Community. This community focuses on systematically adding safe foods to your child's list. Plus meeting and getting to know other moms of picky eaters!
Plus access to Alyssa inside the community to get all YOUR real life questions answered! ($29 value)
Mealtime Magic Troubleshooting Guides
Learn proven positive parenting solutions to tackle tough table behaviors like food throwing, not coming to the table, sneaking foods, only eating snacks and more! ($100 value)
Nutrition Deep Dive
Now that you can get them to eat anything - this bonus helps you determine WHAT to feed them so they meet their nutritional needs. ($150 value)
PLUS these too:
- 30 food play ideas
- 27 meal and snack pairing ideas
- Daily meal schedule examples with different nap times
- 13 food chaining examples
- Calorie boosting shake guide
- Dinner conversation cards
- Nutrition deep dive cheat sheets
…. Valuing $200

That’s over $600 in bonuses FREE when you enroll now
Table Talk is a program, but more than that it's a plan.
It's a plan to help you raise healthy independent eaters. It's a plan to help you reclaim your table and your peace. It's a plan to help you build out your toolbox so that you can feel good at the table. So that you can feel confident handling anything that comes your way. So that you can connect with your family at meals.

The amount of unknown helpful information in the table talk program is endless. It has been a definite game changer in our household with our 2 and 4 year old selective eaters.
- Michelle C.

What is picky eating costing you...
How many family meals are full of back and forth battles rather than connection? How many meals end in tears rather than a new memory? How much time are you spending making and re-making meals? How long will your little one miss out on vital nutrients?
Enough is enough, picky eating is already costing you too much.
Hi there, I'm Alyssa
I am a registered dietitian and picky eating specialist. I am also a mama of two and I have been there. I am passionate about helping you raise healthy, happy and independent eaters not just today but for life.
I created this program not only based on the research but also based on what works.
I have worked with hundreds of families helping them overcome picky eating and find peace at the table. I help cut through the noise, help you make a plan and make it easy and stress free for you!
Life is more fun with out the food fight.

Want the breakdown on the video trainings?
- Module one: Expectations and Mindset
- Module two: Assessing and Identifying
- Module three: Basic structures to set up at your table
- Module four: Initial strategies for picky eating
- Module five: Advanced strategies for picky eating
- Module six: Troubleshooting common pitfalls
- Module seven: Deep dive into nutrition
- Module eight: Putting all the pieces together
- Plus BONUS videos and a Nitty Gritty section
Get in Touch...
have more questions? Contact me to get them answered
Email me: support@nutritionforlittles.com
Ready to stop picky eating?
Enroll Now →