Oh hey, I’m Alyssa
Hey Mamas, welcome here! I’m Alyssa and I’m a dietitian. I love food, naps and food. Wait did I already say food? In my free time…. wait hold up right there, I’m a stay at home, work from home, full time mama – what free time? Oh do you mean the 5 min before one of the kids wakes up? Or maybe the 10 minutes I turn on the shower but really I’m hiding in the bathroom? Maybe you also mean the 3 minutes I sit in my car, in the driveway after a grocery shopping trip before I go inside? Yes, during that free time I enjoy reading and sourdough bread making. Those are pretty much my only hobbies as of right now. So as I said I’m a work from home mom, and this is my work. I help mamas just like you raise healthy, happy and independent eaters!
I am PASSIONATE about stopping the cyclical tendencies of diet culture. You know the one, where you’re born with an innate ability to eat according to your body but someone or something comes along and teaches you your body can’t be trusted and then you believe it until you’re old enough and wise enough to realize that’s baloney and then have to re-learn how to basically eat like a baby? Yeah that cycle. I am dedicated to teaching you not only what to feed your children, how to get them to like foods, but also how to talk to them so they know they don’t need anyone but themselves to feed their bodies.
Alright mamas, feel free to look around and take advantage of all the free resources I offer! I have a podcast you can find here or by searching “nutrition for littles” anywhere you listen, this blog and my instagram where I give daily tips and tricks to help you raise healthy, happy and independent eaters! Want to learn more about me? Specifically the weird, the random and the down right embarrassing things about me? Sign up for my email list here and I send you a nice little welcome to the club email with some serious truths about myself! Cringe….
Until next time mamas!
- Alyssa