Watch the replay here of my free class: Top 5 under talked about and sneaky reasons for picky eating and what to do about them!

Want to enroll in Table Talk? Click here to learn more and enroll! Don’t forget – enroll before midnight on 9/10 and get access to all these bonuses for FREE:

  • Demystifying Desserts Mini-Course ($97 value)
  • Access to TWO live coaching calls with me ($300 value)
  • One month inside the Table Talk Membership ($29 value)
  • PDF: my favorite nutritional boosts and how to use them ($19 value)

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

PLUS you can enroll in my Table Talk picky eating program RIGHT NOW. Click here to learn more and enroll!

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks and until next time mamas!