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Get your kids to eat more foods WITHOUT bribing, begging, or pleading. If you're at your wits' end with picky eating and constantly find yourself saying things like this: "Come on, just try a bite", "If you finish your dinner then you can have dessert", "Three more bites then you can be done" ...and you don't know what else to do then this class is for you!
Free Picky Eating Guide

Download this free guide to know the FIVE things that have to be in place in order to start reversing (or preventing) picky eating! These strategies are research based and mom tested to help your table go from a battlefield to a place of peace and connection!
Go To Snack Guide

Ever wonder what I buy my kids week after week at the store? Take a peek by downloading this free guide! Get instant access to this dietitian and picky eating specialist’s go to packaged snacks!
Handle food comments from family and friends

Do you ever freeze after someone makes a comment about your picky eater? This guide will walk you through helpful responses to use with well meaning family, friends or even strangers to help your picky eater (and you!) stay in a growth mindset!