August 15, 2022
Is your little one not too wild about strawberries but loves blueberries? Try food chaining! Food chaining strawberries is easiest coming from another berry. Think through is there a berry your little one will already accept? Try cutting the strawberry up to be a similar size to that other berry. Then try mixing a small […]
July 30, 2022
Little one not a fan of cucumbers? Maybe they can take them or leave them… Try this simple recipe to add cucumbers to their diet! Try a Greek-inspired dip to add interest to cucumbers! Shredded Cucumber Tzatziki: Ingredients: Directions: Shred cucumber and squeeze & pat dry. Stir all ingredients together, let sit for 10-15 minutes […]
July 13, 2022
Did you know the number of food allergies have DOUBLED over the last generation?! I know as a parent food allergies can be a scary topic but it’s also important because there is so much we can do to help food allergies from developing If you’ve heard me talk about food allergies then you’ve probably […]
June 17, 2022
We learn from mistakes, right? I am about to share 3 things I wish I did differently with my kiddos and hope you can learn from them too. 👀 Firs thing is first – IF YOU ARE FEEDING your kids, you are doing it RIGHT. However, there is always room for growth, right? Here is […]
June 10, 2022
A lot of you voice to me that you struggle implementing some of the things I recommend because your partner or spouse can come in at the last minute – and it seems like – undo everything you just set up. 🤯 The reason I can paint this picture so well is because it’s happened in […]
June 3, 2022
Kids are curious by nature, it’s how they learn about this world around them… it’s also what leads to the dreaded “why” question over and over and over again 🙃 So let’s use that to our advantage. Find ways to get their curiosity rolling. Help get into the role of being an explorer, investigator, or […]
May 23, 2022
Often I hear mom’s say, “My child won’t eat ANYTHING.” As a practitioner when I hear this I have to assume that if they are eating absolutely nothing – no food is passing through their body – there is room to be concerned. Call your child’s pediatrician immediately! Now that that is out of the […]
May 16, 2022
I feeeeel you, mama! Sometimes you just want to say “no!” I am a big advocate and talk a lot around here about saying yes. “Yes!” to having some more broccoli, “yes!” to more chicken, and even “yes!” to more dessert. But the question is when do we say no? At what point do they […]
May 10, 2022
Is your baby interesting in solid food? Ready to start trying to have more consistent meal times? The number one tip I have for you is to feed responsively. This means paying attention to your little ones cues of when they are still hungry, when they want more food, and when they have decided that […]
April 16, 2022
Most little ones LOVE mashed potatoes. If yours does, good news! You can bridge your little one’s love of mashed potatoes to loving broccoli! Try mashing it up! Add steamed broccoli to your potatoes before you mash them to create a creamy, smooth, yummy side dish for any meal. Picky eater tip: Start with only […]